Booking & Cancellation Policy
At The Village Green, we aim to make the booking process as seamless and flexible as possible. You can secure your stay through our website, or via popular platforms like Airbnb,, RipaRide, HipCamp, VRBO, and Expedia. For those who prefer a more personal touch, bookings are also accepted over the phone or via email.
Booking Confirmation
- A 50% deposit of the total booking value is required to secure your reservation.
- The remaining balance is due 5 days before your scheduled check-in date.
- Full payment must be received before or at the time of check-in to finalise your booking.
Cancellation Policy
For cancellations made 14 days or more before check-in: A full refund of any payments made will be provided.
For cancellations made within 14 days of check-in: The 50% deposit will be forfeited.
How to Cancel Your Booking
Cancellations can be made directly through the platform you used to book your stay, or by contacting us if you booked directly through our website, phone, or email.